Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program

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Required investment amount: from US$200,000.

Qualifying investment options include: 

  • A one-time contribution to the National Development Fund of a minimum US$200,000 (non-refundable); 
  • An investment of US$400,000 or more in an approved real estate project, to be held for at least five years; or
  • An investment of US$1.5 million or more in an eligible business. 

Status: Citizenship

Description: The program grants citizenship in exchange for a considerable contribution to the country. 

Benefits: Acquire a passport in three to four months from the application submission date, dual citizenship, no tax on worldwide income; visa-free travel to around 150 countries, potential long-term visas to the USA and Canada. 

Time allowed outside the country: Unlimited, but at least five days over five calendar years.

Website: Citizenship by Investment Unit.

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